
AIDUS (AID) ICO Details & Token Sale Information

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AIDUS (AID) ICO Details & Token Sale Information

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Token sale:finished

Period:17 Jan 19 – 31 Dec 18

Global First Decentralized Funding Platform

ICO Details

  • Ticker:AID
  • Token Type:ERC20 (Ethereum)
  • Token Price:1 AID = 0.11 USD
  • Fundraising Goal:$100,000,000
  • Total Tokens:20,000,000,000
  • Accepts:BTC, ETH
  • Soft Cap:$10,000,000
  • Country:Hong Kong
  • Available for Token Sale:10%
  • Pre-Sale Bonus:1st Pre Sale 25%, 2nd Pre Sale 10%


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